Information for incomers

Students from Erasmus programme, including requests for accomodation, are registered by Mrs Eva Kotoučová, International Office.  Full time (degree) foreign students may contact Mrs Jana Jánská Lonská, International Office. For any specific questions please contact dormitory manager.

Request for accommodation (outside Erasmus students): STUDENT HALLS OF RESIDENCE ACCOMMODATION SCHEDULE below.

Due to the rising prices of electricity, I will set a flat fee for own electrical appliances in the UWB dormitories in the amount of 100,- CZK per person per month.

IBAN Methods of Payment

Accommodation deposit CZK 2,500 and blocking fee of CZK 3,500 for blocking accommodation:

Příjemce/ Beneficiary: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, Univerzitní 8, 306 14 Plzeň, Czech Bank transfer to:
UniCredit Bank ( SWIFT address BACXCZPP )
UniCredit Bank Czech Republic and Slovakia, a.s., Želetavská 1525/1, 140 92 Praha 4 - Michle, Czech
číslo účtu/ account number 78887000 /CZK /
číslo účtu ve formátu IBAN / IBAN format of account CZ8027000000000078887000
Bank Code: 2700
Variable symbol: generated number after login to ISKAM or birth certificate number
Specific symbol: 7777
Poplatek / Charges-details: OUR    !!!!

If the OUR is not specified, the bank charges a fee of CZK 200!!!

Informační portál pro cizince - Facebook/ Information Portal for Foreigners - Facebook

Odbor azylové a migrační politiky Ministerstva vnitra ČR představuje své nové facebookové stránky Informační portál pro cizince Ministerstva vnitra a vyzývá nejen zahraniční studenty k využívání informačního portálu pro cizince, který je dostupný i v anglickém jazyce.

The Department of Asylum and Migration Policy of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic presents its new Facebook page Information Portal for Foreigners of the Ministry of the Interior and invites not only foreign students to use the information portal for foreigners, which is also available in English.


Forms and documents

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