
Hotel accommodation

UWB dormitories offer hotel-type accommodation.
Hotel Bolevecká 30-32 Hotel Máchova 20

What we offer

Online hotel booking

We offer hotel accommodation throughout the year in the Bolevecká 30-32 and Máchova 20 dormitories. During the holidays we offer accommodation in vacant student rooms in open dormitories.

For bookings for all dormitories, please contact Mrs. Vostracká or Mrs. Pšeidlová by email.

Reservations for hotel accommodation are accepted on weekdays at least 1 day in advance. For weekends, no later than Friday by 11:00 a.m. Office hours: Mon - Thur 9:00 - 14:00, Fri 9:00 - 11:00.

Hotel accommodation price list

Since 1 January 2025, Decree 6/2021, 9/2024 of the City of Pilsen on the local residence tax has been in force. In case of short-term stays, the guest, student or employee pays +35 CZK/person/night in addition to the price of his or her accommodation.


Catering/Accommodation order - external guests


Cancellation fees in case of cancellation of a confirmed order:

  • In the event of cancellation of a confirmed order more than 30 days before the planned accommodation date, there is a cancellation fee of 30% of the agreed price.
  • In case of cancellation of a confirmed order more than 15 days before the planned accommodation date, there is a cancellation fee of 50% of the agreed price.
  • In case of cancellation of a confirmed order 1 day before the planned accommodation date, there is a  cancellation fee of 80% of the agreed price.


Names of university dormitories in ISKAM:

Armabeton = Borská 53;

Lochotín = Bolevecká 30-32;

Bory = Máchova 14-16, Máchova 20, Klatovská 200 (Baarova 36 - closed for renovation)